“Canh cá nấu mẻ” is a rustic and familiar Vietnamese dish in every Vietnamese family’s daily meals. During the hot summer, having a bowl of sour and sweet fish sour soup is truly a delight. There are many ways to prepare this dish following this recipe, such as sour soup with snakehead fish, sour soup with basa fish, sour soup with snakehead fish, sour soup with climbing perch, and so on.

Here’s the translation of the recipe for “Canh cá nấu mẻ” and “Canh cá dọc mùng nấu mẻ” into English:

Recipe for Sour Fish Soup (Canh cá nấu mẻ)

To make a delicious and nutritious sour fish soup, it’s essential to choose the right ingredients carefully. The ingredients for this dish are simple and easy to find.


  • Fresh fish.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Tamarind.
  • Turmeric.
  • Shallots, green onions, cilantro, dill, and chili peppers.
  • Some necessary seasonings: salt, bouillon powder, fish sauce, ground pepper, etc.

Preparing the Ingredients for Sour Fish Soup:

  • Fresh Fish: Choose live fish to ensure freshness, with the right size and firm flesh. Scale and clean the fish, then gut it. Cut the fish into bite-sized pieces and marinate them with a pinch of salt, fish sauce, and bouillon powder for about 30 minutes.
  • Tomatoes: Select ripe, round, and red tomatoes for the best flavor. Rinse and cut them into wedges.
  • Wash and cut the herbs such as green onions, cilantro, and dill into 2cm segments.
  • Scrape and extract the juice from the turmeric, discarding the fibrous parts.
  • Peel and finely chop or grind the shallots.
  • Rinse the tamarind and strain to obtain tamarind water.
  • Strain the tamarind water through a sieve to get a bowl of tamarind water.

Steps to Prepare Delicious Sour Fish Soup: Step 1: Heat a pan, add a tablespoon of cooking oil, and briefly fry the fish to remove excess oil. Step 2: In a pot, sauté the shallots, then add a suitable amount of water, and season with spices. Next, add the tomatoes, tamarind water, and turmeric juice, and bring it to a boil. Add the fish and simmer over low heat until it’s cooked. Step 3: Add the green onions, cilantro, dill, and season with spices again, then turn off the heat. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!

With these three basic steps, you’ll have a refreshing sour fish soup for the whole family to savor.

Recipe for Sour Fish Soup with Snakehead Fish (Canh cá dọc mùng nấu mẻ)


  • Fresh fish.
  • Snakehead fish.
  • Tamarind.
  • Turmeric.
  • Shallots, chili peppers, and dill.
  • Green onions and cilantro.
  • Some necessary seasonings: fish sauce, salt, bouillon powder, cooking oil, etc.

Preparing the Ingredients for Sour Fish Soup with Snakehead Fish:

  • Buy fresh fish, scale, clean, gut, and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Marinate with salt and bouillon powder for 15-20 minutes.
  • Peel and slice snakehead fish into thin pieces, rinse with water, and squeeze out excess water.
  • Peel shallots, finely chop, or grind.
  • Rinse the tamarind, extract tamarind water, and strain it.
  • Wash and cut the herbs.
  • Strain tamarind water through a sieve.

Steps to Prepare Sour Fish Soup with Snakehead Fish: Step 1: Heat a pan, add cooking oil, and fry the fish briefly, then drain off excess oil. Step 2: In a pot, sauté the shallots, add an appropriate amount of water, and season with spices. Then, add the snakehead fish, tamarind water, and tamarind juice, and bring it to a boil. Add the fish and simmer until cooked over low heat. Step 3: Season again with spices, add green onions, cilantro, and chili according to taste, then turn off the heat. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!

Sour fish soup with snakehead fish is best when served hot and can be enjoyed with rice or noodles.

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