“Delicious Fresh Food – An Essential Step in Perfecting Tasty Recipes

A delicious recipe not only requires the right balance of seasonings and the appropriate combination of ingredients but also heavily relies on choosing fresh ingredients. Furthermore, many nutrition experts emphasize that food with signs of moisture, staleness, or being stored for too long can have a significant impact on health. Therefore, here are some tips to facilitate the smooth, quick, and effective process of ingredient selection:

Tips for Choosing Fresh Fish

There are many different types of fish available in various forms like canned, whole, fillets, or fresh fish. Selecting fresh ingredients is often considered the golden key to unlocking a tasty recipe:

Fresh fish should have clear and bright eyes, without any cloudiness, a noticeable sheen, and pronounced bulging eyes. For fish with scales, make sure the scales are not discolored, and they should be tightly packed with no missing scales. Fish without scales are considered fresh when their skin is smooth, free from unusual colors or discoloration. Fresh fish typically have firm, resilient flesh. If the flesh feels soft or appears dull, there’s a risk that the fish is no longer good to eat. Checking the gills is an easy way to determine the freshness of the fish. If the gills have turned dark and lost their cherry-red color, avoid purchasing it. When choosing fish fillets, make sure the meat is fresh and hasn’t been stored for too long. Observe the meat’s normal color, firmness, and check for signs of discoloration. Choosing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Selecting fruits and vegetables has become a routine for many women. However, some people may still feel unsure about how to choose fresh and delicious produce:

Choose fresh, unblemished, and intact fruits and vegetables, avoiding those with signs of bruising, swelling, or irregularly large sizes. The color is one of the indicators of the freshness of fruits and vegetables. Opt for items with natural, vibrant colors and without signs of yellowing. For leafy vegetables, avoid those with overly dark, shiny colors, as they may have been treated with growth-enhancing chemicals. When it comes to root vegetables, opt for those with a natural appearance, an appropriate size, and unaltered colors. Tips for Choosing Quality Meat

To ensure high-quality, fresh, and reasonably priced meat, homemakers can consider and apply the following techniques:

When selecting frozen meat, go for pieces that are firm, dense, and not spongy. Meat should have a uniform color without any unusual discolorations, even if the discoloration is limited to a small portion of the meat. Particularly, avoid meats with strange odors or signs of spoilage or chemical smells. Purchase meat from establishments that display clear prices or check the market prices before buying to avoid overcharging issues.

Suggested Everyday Recipes

Family meals play a crucial role in our lives. Hence, many people allocate specific times during the day to buy ingredients and prepare high-quality, mouth-watering dishes. Here are some tasty recipes that can make your dining experience more enjoyable, allowing you to avoid the dilemma of “What should we eat today?” and “How should we prepare it?”

Delicious Stew Recipes

Stews are common and popular dishes in every region of North, Central, and South Vietnam. They can be adapted in various ways, but they all have to be flavorful and visually appealing.

Pepper catfish – an exciting taste

This rustic and flavorsome dish requires various ingredients like catfish, horn peppers, Sichuan peppers, scallions, garlic, fresh herbs, and spices. To make your meal delightful:

Clean the catfish by removing scales, tail, and guts, and wash thoroughly. Be cautious if there are eggs in the belly, and it’s preferable to keep them. Season the fish with prepared spices like fish sauce, seasoning powder, monosodium glutamate, etc., and let it marinate for 1 to 2 hours. Clean and chop fresh herbs, mince the purple onion and garlic. Remove the horn pepper stems and seeds, wash them, and leave them whole. After preparing the ingredients, heat the garlic, purple onion, and two tablespoons of chili powder, then turn off the heat to cool. Place a clay pot that fits the amount of fish, add about 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Pour in some water, let it boil, then add catfish, garlic, purple onion, horn peppers, and Sichuan peppers. Cook the stew until it thickens, with a lovely golden beetle color, then turn off the heat. Braised Pork and Eggs – A Simple Dish

Braised pork and eggs is an easy-to-prepare dish that takes little time and is enjoyed by many people for its delicious taste. To ensure the dish is delectable, make sure you have the following ingredients: pork belly, duck eggs, seasonings (sugar, pepper, salt, fish sauce), chili, and purple onion. The cooking process is as follows:

Cut the pork into small, square pieces, about 5 cm in size. Mince the purple onion and chili, and wash the duck eggs. Add the pork to a pot of boiling water (you can add a little salt), then boil for about 1 minute. Rinse it with water to help the dish have an appealing color and prevent the broth from getting cloudy. Boil the duck eggs, peel them, and make several cuts on the eggs to ensure the seasonings are evenly absorbed and the dish is more flavorful. Create a delightful color by heating the oil, adding purple onion and garlic, then browning them. Next, add the pork and stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes. When the pork is slightly golden at the edges, add sugar to the pot and stir until the sugar is melted and has a beautiful beetle color (you can add a small bowl of water to mix with the pork and eggs). Once the mixture cools, stir it with minced garlic and purple onion. Add seasonings such as salt, fish sauce, and bouillon, and allow the pork and eggs to marinate for about 1 hour. Lastly, put the marinated pork and eggs into the pot, simmer on low heat for 45 to 60 minutes, and then turn off the heat. During cooking, you should add water to a level that is roughly equal to the height of the pork so that the dish is well-seasoned and not too salty. Spicy Chicken Stew – Rich and Distinctive

This is a widely enjoyed dish in the Central and Southern regions of our country, prepared with chicken and a variety of spices such as peppers, garlic, and chili, creating a unique, flavorful aroma. Here’s how you can make it:

Cut the chicken into small pieces, marinate for about 30 minutes with seasonings like garlic, peppers, purple onion, fish sauce, etc. Heat the oil until boiling, lower the heat, and add minced garlic and purple onion to brown. Then add the marinated chicken and stir for 4 to 6 minutes until the meat firms up and emits a pleasant aroma. After the chicken has a slightly crispy edge, add coconut water, season to taste with spices like salt, fish sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc., and simmer until the chicken is tender. Delightful Recipes with Soup

Soup is a staple of Vietnamese family meals and can be prepared in various forms according to

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